Are Cavities in Kids' Teeth Inevitable?
Are Cavities Inevitable?
Most people seem to think they are. However, we have been seeing a greater number of younger patients able to grow up without getting any cavities. What could be contributing to this? There are many different considerations that all play a role in developing a healthier smile. Some are outside of a parent's ability to control while other factors include establishing healthy habits and lifestyle choices. These environmental components can always be improved through an increase in awareness and proper education on preventing cavities in Portland.
Early Detection As A Preventative Measure
The best way to prevent cavities is to defend against the very first one from ever forming. The likelihood of subsequent cavities developing after that first one increases due to conditions that allowed the first one to form. Learning to recognize certain warning signs such as white spots forming on the gum-line may indicate a cavity has begun to form. Another indicator to watch for is the formation of plaque. Plaque is like food for the cavity. If a fingernail is able to remove a white and sticky substance when scraped along the surface of the child's front tooth, there is an increased risk for cavities to form.
Cavity Prevention Basics
Healthy brushing habits and routine dental checkups are the most effective prevention measures you and your child can take to avoid that first cavity. Recommendations are to brush teeth at least two times a day, preferably in the morning after breakfast and in the evening just before bed. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps to preserve the essential minerals needed for healthy and strong teeth. Make sure not to have too much on your child's toothbrush and that they can spit all of it back out. Effective and supervised brushing for young children makes it hard for plaque to form and is the best method for reducing the risk of a cavity forming.
Diet also plays a center stage preventative role. Seeing a pediatric dentist for routine checkups as an infant or toddler allows communication to begin early on and set the scene for useful tips on managing diet and dental behaviors. Suggestions can be made when speaking directly to older children on how to improve their oral hygiene as well as advice on overcoming some behavioral challenges that could lend to cavities forming if not corrected.
Making sure your child sees a pediatric dentist on a regular basis can allow them to evaluate your children's risks for oral problems. Certain combined therapies can be implemented to avoid decay that may have already begun to form. Fluoride therapy, mouth rinses as well as improvements in dietary habits have helped to stop cavities from further development when the problem is caught early on through routine checkups.
We understand some children have unique medical needs that often require special techniques or equipment on our part. Some medications may need to be taken as a result of these special concerns that can cause an increased risk for cavities. We make every effort to address those needs to ensure your child has what they need to maintain proper oral health.