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Dr. Cynthia Pelley
Call us today at (503) 235-0313

Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
Sellwood Location

8708 SE 17th Ave, Portland, OR 97202
(503) 235-0313
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Dental Emergencies for Kids

Dental EmergencyAt Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry we recommend starting your child regular dental checkups by age one. Doing so allows for the establishment of a trusted and confidential relationship between our dentist, you and your child. Such confidence will aid in removing any extra unnecessary stress should a dental emergency ever arise with your child. In the event of a dental emergency the last thing you want to have to worry about is rushing around to try and find somewhere to take your child, rest assured that we will have our doors open to give you and your child a familiar and safe environment to confide in.

What Do You Do if Your Child Knocks Out a Baby Tooth?

It is normal for children to lose their baby teeth, or primary teeth, eventually. However, an accidental trauma that causes a primary tooth to fall out runs the risk of damaging the permanent tooth underneath. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to call our practice immediately in the event that such an ordeal occurs. If you find yourself in such a situation where a primary tooth has been completely knocked out of the tooth socket DO NOT attempt to reinsert it as you could potentially cause further damage.

My Child Had a Permanent Tooth Get Knocked Out, What Do I Do?

Where it is not recommended to attempt to replace a baby tooth, or primary tooth, that has been knocked out it IS recommended that you replace a permanent one if you have the ability. If your child has a permanent tooth get knocked out you must first rinse the tooth with warm water, take care not to rub or scrub the tooth and leave any bits of tissue that may be still attached. Have your child hold the tooth in the socket with a clean washcloth or gauze. If your child is not able to safely hold the tooth in the socket you should place the tooth in a cup of saliva, milk or water and bring it with you into the office. Be sure to collect any remaining bit and pieces of tooth in the event that they chip or break off and bring those with you as well!

If you call our dental practice and are not able to be seen immediately, it is recommended that you proceed to the closest emergency room where they will have the dentist on call replace the tooth for your child.

What If My Child:

Breaks a Tooth

Be sure to first rinse the mouth with warm water to help clean the area. You can also apply a cold compress to the area (a washcloth wrapped around a bag of ice or cold pack will suffice) should you notice swelling of the face around the broken tooth. If you are able, collect the fragment (or fragments) of broken teeth and wrap them in a wet towel or wet piece of gauze. Be sure to bring the piece or pieces with you into the office.

Call our office immediately upon occurrence at which point we will have you come in right away to be seen.

Severely Bites Their Tongue or Lip

Immediately clean the area with a warm wash cloth. Proceed by gently placing a cold compress (a washcloth wrapped around ice or a cold pack will do) to the area to reduce swelling. If you notice that the area does not stop bleeding within a short amount of time, or if the area is bleeding profusely call our office and bring your child in immediately or go to the nearest emergency center.

Gets an Object Stuck Between Teeth

If your child gets some sort of object or food particle, such a popcorn husk, wedged between their teeth gently try to dislodge the object by using a piece of floss. Do not attempt to remove the object or particle with any sort of sharp instrument, as you run the risk of damaging the gum line. If you are unable to extricate the object in this manner bring your child into our office as soon as possible.

Has a Painful Toothache

First and foremost, rinse the mouth with warm water to help clean. Treat your child with their normal dose of pain relief medication. Take care not to put any sort of Aspirin in or around the aching tooth itself or the gum line. Call our office to schedule a visit and bring your child in as soon as possible.

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Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry - Cynthia Pelley | | (503) 235-0313
8708 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202