Cavities Hurt More than a Child's Mouth
Posted on 4/20/2015 by Cynthia Pelley |
 Preventing Tooth DecayCavities or tooth decay seem to be a rite of passage of childhood. It should not be this way, however. As parents, it is important to find the ways to prevent cavities from happening in the first place. When children have excessive tooth decay during their formative years it can really harm their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Even though it might seem like just another walk in the park for you to get a cavity filled, for a child it is more than that.
Your Child's Dental ExperienceWhen children have to undergo tooth decay treatment, whether a filling, root canal or in extreme cases, tooth extraction, they experience a multitude of feelings. The first of which is pain that is associated with dental procedures. At our practice we do everything possible to minimize the pain of any procedure, but the recovery from certain procedures is going to require enduring a certain level of pain. If children are forced to endure this pain often, it could become detrimental. In addition, tooth aches, dentist appointments, and even dental emergencies require a child to miss school and/or activities which could also begin to have negative connotations in his mind.
The best way to prevent any negative feelings towards a child's dental health is to be proactive about cavity protection. Ensure that your child is brushing and flossing his teeth appropriately, even doing it for him to ensure that the process is done right. You should also monitor his diet, making sure that he limits the amount of sugar, refined carbohydrates and acidic drinks that he consumes to ensure optimal oral health.
Want more ways to make your child's dental visit a positive experience? Contact us today for more information! |